Fatal Frame (2001) pt. 1 of 3 - intro & synopsis

Released in 2001 in Japan and 2002 everywhere else, Fatal Frame is the brainchild of one Makoto Shibata, who dreamed of creating the single scariest video game the world had ever seen. Inspired primarily by spooky dreams he’d had, along with a few brushes with the paranormal he claims to have experienced, Fatal Frame isn’t your average J-horror ghost story, incorporating aspects of folk horror, religion, and superstition alongside its central idea about a camera that can see things the naked eye can not. Obviously, it was a huge hit, otherwise it wouldn’t have spawned such a large franchise that still continues to this very day. Despite being something of a survival horror hound, I’d never played the first Fatal Frame before, and after a recent run-through of Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly, I decided to go back and give this one a whirl. Needless to say, this eventually turned into me playing all the way through the first four games in the series, and so now I embark on trying to g...