The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

You know, sometimes I watch a film and find myself with a surplus of things to say, especially when I’m fairly negative on something or find another something especially strong. However, there are lots of times when I watch a film, find myself enjoying it quite a bit, and yet have little to no idea of what exactly to say about it when it comes time to put the pencil to the paper. And then there are films like The Manchurian Candidate where I honestly have no earthly idea how I even feel about the movie, much less how to describe it to others or whether or not to recommend it. You see, this film is usually considered a taut, bleak thriller with a chip on its shoulder regarding the Joseph McCarthys of the world, but to my modern sensibilities, I can’t help but feel that it resembles a surrealist film more than anything. In one legendarily bizarre scene after another, the film manages to keep topping itself until the ultra-bleak ending sends you out with a bang: dazed, confused, and unsu...