Klute (1971)

Well, after watching The Parallax View for the first time recently, I immediately became hungry for any and all paranoid thrillers, especially those from the seventies. Naturally, my first step was to check out the other two titles in Alan J. Pakula’s so-called ‘paranoia trilogy.’ Enter today's film: Klute. It had never drawn my attention before, but after discovering the pedigree behind it and the fact that it was a murder-mystery-thriller, I decided to finally pull the trigger and order myself a copy. To my surprise, despite this being considered part of a piece with The Parallax View, Klute really could not be any more different than it as a film. It’s a character study for one thing; far more concerned with the psychology and humanity of prostitutes, addicts, and those who control them - dealers, pimps, or bullying police - than it is playing spinning a complex web of murky conspiracy. It even prominently features a romantic subplot, just when you’d think the murder mystery s...