Last Night in Soho (2021)

Edgar Wright’s latest feature is his first attempt at a horror film, and boy did it have me pretty excited. It seemed to promise it all: the sixties, "psychological horror,” Anna-Taylor Joy, and the filmmaker behind such classics as Shaun of the Dead? Surely, this was going to be something special, and in many ways it is. But the first thing you should know is that this is not exactly a traditional genre film. It’s got a little of this, a little of that; a little horror, a little comedy, a little coming-of-age drama, and plenty of supernatural sleuthing, and the result is pure Wright, even if his reach often exceeds his grasp. The premise is bizarre. When young Eloise moves to London to go to one of the country's top art schools, she finds herself coming undone from a mixture of loneliness, stress, the ability to see dead people, oh and an alpha bitch roommate who seeks to make her life hell out of jealousy. Her solution? Off-campus housing! How eerily reminiscent of the pro...