Long Weekend (1978)

If you're expecting a low-budget, gorier version of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds from Aussie folk horror Long Weekend, a film in which nature is out for revenge against a reckless vacationing couple, you might very well be disappointed by its relative subtlety. Nothing in this film is quite as gory as the infamous scene in Hitchcock's film where our heroine stumbles upon a man whose eyes have been pecked out, though it's far more disturbing overall. Our two main characters, of which there are few in this film, are both extremely unlikable and repugnant from the very minute they first appear onscreen. From the moment our 'hero' pulls into his own driveway only to crash right into a van that by rights he should have anticipated, you know he's a careless moron with little sense, and then there's his wife: a cold woman who at one point tells her husband to "Get fucked!" in those exact words when he tries to make innocent conversation with her. Hu...