The Wicker Man (1973)

Often called "the Citizen Kane of horror films," The Wicker Man is yet another horror classic facing an uphill struggle thanks to decades and decades of hype. It's easy to forget, then, that it's kind of a rough-hewn production; its variety of divisive edits are certainly proof of that. Cut up by censors and then cut up again to jive with foreign markets, the original release is often seen as inferior to later cuts, such as the 'final cut,' which is the one I'll be looking at today. Only thing is, Robin Hardy isn't immune to that unfortunate impulse to keep fiddling with his masterpiece until it begins to barely resemble the original, and so those popular later cuts are also full of the kind of stuff that probably should have stayed on the cutting room floor. In addition, you'd be forgiven for thinking that this film would struggle to shock and awe a modern audience raised on countless films and TV shows inspired by it, only you'd be dead wron...